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Business Case: Optimization of a consumer platform for streaming content

Data Science Major Project with Metadata Analysis and Classification

Whether it's a thriller, country music or a non-fiction audio book, a whole new streaming experience will soon be waiting for the users of our customer - a large media house. Because thanks to KYBEIDOS' many years of data science experience, we were able to support our customer in giving their users easy access to content tailored to their preferences and tastes. This promotes customer loyalty!

The special feature: Numerous innovative AI methods and technologies were used to develop the optimal system.

© Shutterstock.com

This was our contribution

Our customer's streaming offering is immense, and it continues to grow - as do the volumes of valuable data. Processing this by means of Data Science was one of the tasks of the major project - and our specialty. As part of the team, KYBEIDOS built a recommender system in which all media offers and content are categorized and classified with information and data. This allows users to automatically receive the offers that fit them perfectly. The media descriptions were classified by our Data Scientists using modern transformer-based NLP methods to make them available for the recommender system.

Our customer's streaming offering is immense, and it continues to grow - as do the volumes of valuable data. Processing this by means of Data Science was one of the tasks of the major project - and our specialty. As part of the team, KYBEIDOS built a recommender system in which all media offers and content are categorized and classified with information and data. This allows users to automatically receive the offers that fit them perfectly. The media descriptions were classified by our Data Scientists using modern transformer-based NLP methods to make them available for the recommender system.

The years of experience of the senior data scientist from KYBEIDOS were very valuable for the major project. We particularly appreciated his very clear view of the requirements, which also went beyond the current daily needs. With great dedication, he always adapted to the changing customer requirements, which is not always a matter of course.

The years of experience of the senior data scientist from KYBEIDOS were very valuable for the major project. We particularly appreciated his very clear view of the requirements, which also went beyond the current daily needs. With great dedication, he always adapted to the changing customer requirements, which is not always a matter of course.

Group Leader, Data Science

The project at a glance

Projekt title:

  • Data Science Major Project with Metadata Analysis and Classification


  • Media, Streaming

Our contribution:

  • Metadata analysis and classification with NLP

  • Agile software development

  • Structure of a Semantic Web

  • Deployment Procedures

  • Consulting


  • NLP-Transformer-Technologies
  • Embeddings, Named Entity Recognition
  • Google Cloud, Big Query
  • Kubernetes, Docker
  • CI/CD-Pipeline in Gitlab
  • Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs