Company for Systems for Corporate Control mbH
Heinrich-Fuchs-Strasse 94
69126 Heidelberg
Tel.: + 49 (0) 6221 / 61 60 50
Fax: + 49 (0) 6221 / 61 60 51
Management: Stephan Frenzel
Commercial register registration number: HRB Mannheim 335460
Sales tax ID: DE182073772
D-U-N-S Nummer: 388032435
Responsible for the content (according to §6 MDStV): Stephan Frenzel
The data protection regulations as well as the legal information, please refer to the data protection section.
The internet presence of Kybeidos was created with a content management system. The presented contents concern information that was either developed by Kybeidos itself or contents that were provided by the manufacturers/cooperation partners of Kybeidos.
Technical platform: Typo3
Image rights |
Employee photos
Information graphics
Other pictures
Participation Relaunch, CI and website |
We would like to thank the following companies - and especially the participating contact persons - for the joint development and implementation of our relaunch 2020! Brand sharpening, design and layout:
Web design and programming:
Text coordination and creation:
Photo and video recordings: